What you may not know about suffering from COVID.
What you may not know about suffering from this bizarre virus is endless. The strangest thing is that you most likely won't know that you have it until you get tested. You think this is common knowledge, right? Not exactly, it isn't, otherwise, people (especially medics) who look at COVID patients like a self-made ticking time bomb would know better. It has a ridiculous way of robing control of your own body. It betrays you. You constantly feel drained, cold-very cold, confused and even hangover, all at the same time. The fear of sleeping while wondering if you'll wake up is real. I thought about this severally and all I told God was, 'Please God, don't do this. My family has been through enough already.' The last time I had actively thought about 'smell' as a sense was probably in my lower primary school where we sang the rhyme, 'Our five senses'. If you went to a polite school like me, you should know this song. The other time is ...